Introducing the Why Warriors, Cultural Worlds, Web log.

We shall be regularly publishing short articles on how to work more effectively across the cultural and linguistic barrier that exists between the mainstream social/cultural systems and the cultural worlds of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia. We believe that it is shared ignorance about the other, misunderstandings, and information barriers cause by the cultural divide that limits the effectiveness of policy and programs in and for Australian Indigenous communities. Furthermore, the cultural complexities that must be tackled when working with many Indigenous people in Australia are one of the main causes of the burn-out experienced by staff working with communities. Through this blog we will provide a free resource to help you serve Aboriginal Communities better and better prepare yourself to face the difficulties that exist in many parts of Aboriginal Australia. We will post info on living in communities, on aspects of Indigenous culture, on cross-cultural skills and perhaps even some glimpses of new material being written by the author of ‘Why Warriors lie down and die’.

We hope you might visit regularly and please feel free to comment on our articles; we would appreciate your feed back.

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