Learn about the challenges and monetary drivers in Remote Aboriginal Communities, the historical influences and healthy ways forward to include local Aboriginal people in economic development.
Learning pathways are a series of articles and other content that help you to learn about a topic in more detail.
We would love to make it more dynamic but for now use this page as a reference to follow the links below, in order, to work through this little course.
- Economics of Remote Aboriginal Communities Part 1 – History
- Economics of Remote Aboriginal Communities Part 2 – Today’s Economy.
- Understanding Indigenous ‘Poverty’ and comments on applying micro credit (relevant to point 4.5 below).
- The following articles explore the 5 key considerations for creating real local economies and jobs in Aboriginal Communities
- Motivation: A local economy grows from personal motivation and energy, it cannot be built from outside. Read:
- Supporting Motivation: Human support is required to overcome cultural and bureaucratic barriers where motivation exists. Read:
- Primary production: The basis of any real economy come from the land and is driven by local ownership. Read:
- Flexibility: Adjusting conditions appropriately for the pioneering and unique circumstances of remote communities. Read:
- Appropriate Financial Aid: Subsidies are the best mechanisms of financial aid to support fledgling enterprises. Read