Economics of Remote Communities Part 4: Supporting Indigenous Motivation

In Part 3 of this series on the economics of remote communities, we discussed how personal motiva...

Economics of Remote Communities Part 3 – Moving Beyond Dependency

In the previous articles we saw that while is it wrong to say that Indigenous people make no cont...

Economics of Remote Aboriginal Communities Part 2 – Today’s Economy.

In the previous article I discussed some of the historical influences on the economy in the remot...

Economics of Remote Aboriginal Communities – Part 1 History

There has been much discussion lately about economic development, ever since the Howard Governmen...


For some of you, the term “homeland”, may not make sense. We would like to offer some explanation...

Our hidden biases. Test your unconscious racial associations.

I have mentioned to some people that there is a test online that allows us to test our unconsciou...

Predatory systems maintaining Indigenous disadvantage: Some examples

As was discussed in the previous article, one of the limit conditions that create Indigenous "pov...

Cultural Spaces (An example of the Limit Conditions the people face)

All cultures have spaces of ceremony and tradition, both sacred and part of everyday life. We oft...

Dirty Assumptions

I was recently told a story about a black African visitor to an Australian Indigenous community. ...

Understanding Indigenous “Poverty”- Making it History

In recent times the word "poverty" has been used broadly to refer to the situation in many remote...

Culture Shock 101

Having moved to a remote Indigenous community about 4 months ago, my wife and I have recently sta...

When Indigenous Advocacy Does Damage

"The poverty experienced by many Aboriginal people is as morally reprehensible as torture and mus...