Week 1. Aboriginal people primitive?
Q1. “Aboriginal people were so primitive they didn’t even invent the wheel”. Well, who did? Q.2 T...
Q&A Week 2 Aboriginal peoples use of fire.
Q4. How did Aboriginal people use fire to look after the land?
Q.5 Are traditional methods and k...
Q&A Week 3; “How many times do we have to say sorry to Aboriginal people?”
Q7. “I know that a lot of really terrible things happened, but how many times do we have to say s...
Q&A Week 4: Aren’t Aboriginal languages very basic?
Q10. After all the millions of dollars spent on Aboriginal health and education why haven’t the p...
Q&A Week 5: Why do many Aboriginal people eat such poor food?
Q13. What is the Yolŋu concept of illness and disease?
Q14. Why do many remote Aboriginal people...
Q&A Week 6: Why won’t Aboriginal kids go to school?
Q16. Are Aboriginal people bad at school because they didn't have their own education system trad...
Q&A Week 7: Wasn’t Aboriginal society pretty barbaric?
Q19. Was there any barter or trading between different Aboriginal people?
Q20. Wasn't Aboriginal...
Q&A Week 8: Aboriginal culture is about “Lore” not “Law”?
Q22. I've seen the term "Law" used about Aboriginal culture but shouldn't it be "Lore"?
Q23. Wha...
Q&A Week 9: Did Aboriginal people have an economic system?
Q25. People sitting in a English only meeting and do not ask any questions. Have they really unde...
Q&A Week 10: Is sorcery a central part of Aboriginal culture?
Q28. Did Aboriginal people have parliament and other decision-making structures or systems?
Q&A Week 11: Weren’t Aboriginal people nomads who went ‘walkabout’ and never had villages or proper buildings?
Q31. Why is substance misuse like petrol sniffing so prevalent in Aboriginal communities?
Q32. W...
Q&A Week 12: If Aboriginal people were left to their own devices, wouldn’t we have payback happening all the time?
Q34. If Aboriginal people were left to their own devices, wouldn't we have payback happening all ...