Q&A Week 19: Aboriginal people are always getting free stuff from the government?
Q55. Aboriginal people are always getting free stuff from the government. Even some jobs are only...
Q&A Week 18: Why do Aboriginal people in remote communities tend to wreck their houses and live in such dirty conditions?
Q52. Why do Aboriginal people in remote communities tend to wreck their houses and live in such d...
Q&A Week 17: What educational good can come out of learning an Aboriginal language? What’s the point?
Q49. What educational good can come out of learning an Aboriginal language? What's the point?
Q&A Week 16: Weren’t women enslaved or considered second-class citizens in traditional Aboriginal culture?
Q46. Weren't women enslaved or considered second-class citizens in traditional Aboriginal culture...
Q&A Week 15: What does it mean when a white person is ‘adopted’ into an Aboriginal clan? Should the person accept?
Q43. What is the Yolngu concept of people with disabilities or mental health issues?
Q44. What d...
Q&A Week 14: Why don’t Aboriginal people just forget the past and get on with it?
Q40. Why don't Aboriginal people just forget the past and get on with it?
Q41. What are Aborigin...
Q&A Week 13: I’ve heard that Aboriginal people say they don’t own the land, the land owns them. What does that mean?
Q37. Isn't the mother-in-law someone who Aboriginal men need to avoid?
Q38. I've heard that Abor...
Q&A Week 12: If Aboriginal people were left to their own devices, wouldn’t we have payback happening all the time?
Q34. If Aboriginal people were left to their own devices, wouldn't we have payback happening all ...
Q&A Week 11: Weren’t Aboriginal people nomads who went ‘walkabout’ and never had villages or proper buildings?
Q31. Why is substance misuse like petrol sniffing so prevalent in Aboriginal communities?
Q32. W...
Q&A Week 10: Is sorcery a central part of Aboriginal culture?
Q28. Did Aboriginal people have parliament and other decision-making structures or systems?
Q&A Week 9: Did Aboriginal people have an economic system?
Q25. People sitting in a English only meeting and do not ask any questions. Have they really unde...
Q&A Week 8: Aboriginal culture is about “Lore” not “Law”?
Q22. I've seen the term "Law" used about Aboriginal culture but shouldn't it be "Lore"?
Q23. Wha...