What's happening at Why Warriors
We're proud to announce that we have a new website! We have finally got round to revamping our old website and giving all interested in our work a more exciting and informative experience of who we are and what we do.
Hope For Health welcomes on board Steph Vajda, who has joined Why Warriors as the Hope For Health Coordinator. Steph has a strong background in community development, and has worked in a variety of community, government, private sector and advocacy contexts. He is an award-winning author, filmmaker and event producer, and we are very pleased to have him as part of the team! Steph is currently working hard on Elcho Island supporting our Yolngu staff and health mentors, as well as getting a small healthfood store available in the community.
We are developing new training experiences in the coming year, including online training courses, on-country cross-cultural learning experiences and sector-specific training. Watch this space!