Cross-Cultural Active Listening – Book


There is no more important issue than effective communication for Yolŋu (Yolngu) and many other Aboriginal people in Australia today. Especially for those who speak English as a second or fifth language and who are still strongly influenced by their original Australian traditional culture. Their communication culture is very different from mainstream Australian communication culture. Special skills are needed. Consequently, many of the communication attempts between Yolŋu and Balanda (English First language Australians) fail.

Failed communication is disastrous for both groups. First, the dominant culture does not get to hear (and respond appropriately to) what the Yolŋu people are trying to say. Secondly, and more importantly, Yolngu people do not get a fair go. That is access to the information and training they so desperately want. Trainers, teachers, medical and legal people and others who communicate according to the mainstream culture will have great difficulty overcoming the barriers to communication without gaining the essential information and skills needed.

Cross-Cultural Active Listening fills this need. It will also equip anyone seeking to work and communicate more effectively with people from all cross-cultural groups.

Better cross-cultural communication skills could save many lives and millions of dollars. What’s more, everybody gets to feel better about their cross-cultural experiences!

Cross-Cultural Active Listening: Richard Trudgen 2013

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